Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml
4.5 stars - "Review for Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml" This Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml is the best Prosecco I have tried.
  • Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml - Image

Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml

Product ID: 78554
Brand: KYLIE

View or buy the Prosecco Sparkling Wines - Kylie Minogue Prosecco Rose 750ml from KYLIE to discover other options and shipping details.


An elegant sparkling Prosecco Ros with
notes of fresh strawberries, raspberries and
blossom. Brightly textured and crisp palate
with a refreshing citrus finish. Vegan

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